Past Events


Big Half 2024

On Sunday 1st September, three fantastic participants took part in the Big Half to raise money for Team Daniel.  Simon, Ieva and Nicola braved the heat and successfully completed the 13.1 miles around London raising over £1400 between them.  A massive thank you from all at Team Daniel.

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Virtual London Marathon 2024

On Sunday 21st April, six fantastic participants took on the gruelling 26.2 mile Virtual London Marathon on behalf of Team Daniel.  Armed with lots of treats, energy drinks and motivational music, the six walked for over 8 hours around the streets and countryside of Northamptonshire. Thank you to Gerry, Yvette, Jo, Jasmine, Kate and Nicole who raised over £500! 

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Morley 10K

The 2nd Morley 10km road race took place on Sunday 8th October.  The event which is run by Morley Running Club in conjunction with Morley Town Parish kindly decided to split the proceeds from the race between both TeamDaniel and MINT (Men in Need Together). The race raised us a whopping £1500. We cannot thank the organisers and all those that took part enough. 

We also had our own TeamDaniel runners taking part. Big shout out to Jamie, Lyndsey, Sarah and Emma who took on the challenge and raised an additional £250. 

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Virtual London Marathon 2023

On Sunday 23rd April six amazing volunteers took on the Virtual London Marathon for Team Daniel. 

Nicole, Layla, Kate, Vicki, Gerry and Yvette took on the 26.2 miles in their own way raising over £1000.  

Here’s why Kate Ellis wanted to take on the challenge for Team Daniel

“Team Daniel is a charity which means a lot to me personally because they aim to raise awareness of the need for mental health support in children and young adults. As a parent, I am constantly reminded of this need as the world can be a difficult place to navigate without guidance and support. For me there is nothing more important than protecting young people and reminding them to speak out and share their feelings. The virtual London marathon was an opportunity to walk for a cause which I feel passionately about. As an added bonus I got to take part alongside a small but very supportive group of people, one of whom I have known for 30 years plus. The event was memorable, hard work and felt like a great achievement. A day to remember forever. Thanks to Nic for the constant chat and to Layla for the foot spray and socks, I'll be forever grateful!”

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Virtual London Marathon 2022

We had seven amazing volunteers who took on the mighty challenge of the Virtual London Marathon on Sunday 2nd October on behalf of Team Daniel.  Such an incredible effort. A huge thank you to Tanya, Ruck, Zoe, Mark, Ioana and the two Michelles!  They raised a huge £1,571 between them.

Here’s why Michelle Manning decided to take on one of our charity places:

“I knew Daniels story through my friendship with Daniels Auntie Nicole. It was devastating for Daniels family and friends and it still remains a struggle for them today. What they have done is to turn that heart ache into something good so that no other child and family have to go through this by setting up Team Daniel, which is a small charity supporting children and young people in Leeds and London.

I have always wanted to take part in the London Marathon but was always unlucky in the ballot. When Nicole asked if I would take part for Team Daniel I had no hesitation in saying yes.

It has been an honour to take part in memory of Daniel and for my mate Nicole and the wonderful work Daniels mum Emma is doing along with the many Team Daniel volunteers and charity trustees.

 Children face many challenges in today’s world and it’s the small charities like Team Daniel that can provide the support needed in local communities.

Keep up the great work Team Daniel xx “

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Christmas Pottery Painting Workshop

We had another full house at our Christmas Pottery Painting Workshop on Saturday 4th December with The Little Biscuit Pottery Painting Studio. Fourteen young people took part in the two-hour session which is a great way to help them reduce anxiety and low self-esteem. Feedback from young people was great:

I extremely enjoyed this service the staff are amazing and make me feel so welcome. I really want to come again as I loved it so much. Thanks

Very fun all the time - would like to do every day

I really enjoy the painting experience, and everyone was very kind and welcomed us in. Due to me loving my time here I would love to come back

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to Oct 28

Halloween Half-Term Event

On Monday 25th to Thursday 28th October TeamDaniel teamed up again with Bee Happy Kids to deliver a free Halloween Half Term Camp. The camp was aimed at children who are in receipt of free school meals. Lots of activities were on offer such as trick and treat hunts, arts and crafts, pumpkin carving, table tennis and fun and games. Every child also received a hot healthy meal every day.

One parent stated:

Just wanted to say thank you for looking after Penny over half term. As you saw, she’s a very energetic kid who can sometimes quickly get bored of activities but she had a fabulous time.

So thank you and all staff, it means a lot to us parents to have a trusted pair of hands!”

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Halloween Pottery Painting Workshop

We had a full house on Saturday 23rd October for our 2 hour Halloween Pottery Painting workshop. 14 young people attended and had a great time. Young people stated:

Fun activities to do painting and talking to other people. Really lightened up my day. I would recommend and I would definitely come again

I really enjoyed my experience

It was a very fun and relaxing experience

It’s very fun and I’ve done a lot (dragon, clock and now sloth). I’d like to come to the place again ☺”

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London Marathon 2021

Team Daniel are delighted to announce that we have been successful in getting 5 charity places for the following London Marathon events:

Virtual London Marathon 2021

On Sunday 3rd October, ten amazing supporters of TeamDaniel took on the gruelling task of walking, running or jogging the 26.2 miles in this year’s virtual London Marathon. Craig McKenna, Ann Norton, Paul Norton, Vicky Sturgess, Jake Sturgess, Liz Knight, Rachael Watkey, Julie Mason and Kev Brown joined Daniel’s mum Emma and raised £4,149.96 to help support young people’s mental wellbeing. A massive thank you from all us at TeamDaniel. A huge achievement!

Here’s why Liz wanted to run for TeamDaniel:

In the early hours of Sunday morning I did the London Marathon virtual event. Why you may ask? Well good question….

Some of you will know my mate Nic, she is a guru of all things East London and all round good egg. A few years ago her and her family’s lives were changed forever when she lost her nephew Daniel. Aged 15 Daniel took his own life as he couldn’t see a way out of the stress he was under brought on by his GCSE exams.

In his memory, TeamDaniel was formed by family and friends to raise awareness of teen mental health issues. My fundraising goal is modest. TeamDaniel is a small charity and small contributions make a huge difference.

Obviously, this was a big challenge as running isn’t exactly my thing. I’m built for comfort, not speed. During London lockdown I got into long distance walking as a way to stay active and since then I’ve slowly and steadily built up my ability to run (also slowly and steadily). Before training for this I had never ran more than 5km but in the last couple of years I’ve worked on my overall health so was now in a better position to give this a crack

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Windsor Half Marathon

A massive thank you and congratulations to Viv and Clare who ran the Windsor Half Marathon on Sunday 26th September on behalf of TeamDaniel and raised over £1100 between them.

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Free Pottery Painting Workshop

In partnership with The Little Biscuit Pottery Painting Studio, we offered a free pottery painting workshop on Wednesday 11th August for young people aged 12-18 years. Pottery painting is a great activity for all ages and can help reduce mental health issues, anxiety and low self-esteem. The 2-hour session allowed young people to paint their own piece of pottery including a range of animals, a car, an aeroplane or mug. The feedback we had from both participants and parents was great.

‘This was highly relaxing and a great way to spend time’.

‘It was relaxing, the members of staff were really nice and I would enjoy it if I came again’.

‘The staff members were really nice. It was fun, relaxing and enjoyable. I would like to come again’.

‘Thank you so much for having my daughter Katie today at the pottery painting class. She’s been having a tough time at school and was really nervous about coming today, but she loved it!’

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The Vitality Big Half 2021

Four TeamDaniel supporters took on The Vitality Big Half 2021 on Sunday 22nd August running 13.2 miles around some of London’s most iconic landmarks.  We were lucky enough to receive charity places and Tina, Barry, Kakie and Sam took up the challenge and raised £1,950. 

A massive thank you to our fundraisers. We are extremely grateful!

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Free Pottery Painting Workshop

TeamDaniel are working with The Little Biscuit Pottery Painting Studio to deliver free Pottery Painting Workshops for young people aged 12-18 years. Pottery painting is a great activity for all ages and can help reduce mental health issues, anxiety and low self-esteem. The 2-hour sessions allow you to paint your own piece of pottery including a range of animals, a car, an aeroplane or mug.

To book your place, please contact Emma on 07787 278824

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Welcome To Yorkshire

A big thank you to Welcome to Yorkshire for planting a tree in memory of someone that we lost.

On 1st August our volunteers came together to collect our certificates with our loved ones names on, a narrative broadleaf tree was planted at Broughton Hall on our behalf.

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to Aug 19

Team Daniel Summer Camp

TeamDaniel Summer Camp

This was our first holiday summer camp and we are delighted at how well it ran. Funded by a grant from Leeds Community Foundation meant we were able to work with Bee Happy Kids to deliver a range of fun, inclusive and positive activities for children and young people aged 5-18 years of age over 4 weeks. Activities included Bake offs, sports days, sporting activities, arts and crafts, ping-pong sessions, vegimation, face painting, team building and trips to the play centre (Yankee Doodles). We ensured we provided as many different activities as possible to allow children to try new things and learn new skills,

We also worked with Belly Bean Bakes who provided healthy nutritious and hot meals everyday alongside a variety of heathy snacks and fruit that was provided daily. The children loved the food, and for many it was the first time they had tried certain foods and fruits. The feedback from parents and children has been excellent.

Dylan, aged 10 - ‘The club was amazing. I have never been to a holiday club before so it was scary at first but all the staff were kind and they made it fun for us. The activities we do are great and we do so many activities that I have never done like tag rugby, archery and challenges’.


Liam, aged 12 - ‘I love holiday club because we play loads and do loads of activities every day. I have made a good friend and we have swapped numbers so we can meet. The other kids are all friendly not like the kids at school who bully me. I like the dinner’s especially the jacket potatoes’.



Dear Team Daniel Holiday Club,

As summer holidays approached, I was trying to fill with fear. Two kids with extra needs, less income and so less things to do with them.

I was beginning to prepare myself for six weeks of anguish.

That was until I found out about the funded places with you at Team Daniel Holiday Club.

I managed to get my daughter funding for four days a week for four weeks.

It has been a lifesaver.

Every day I pick her up she’s got some kinda face paint or bring home treat with her.

She tells me all about what they did that day from slime making to watching films with popcorn oh and also the really long walks to the woods at the end of the street haha, which is something I never get from her after school.

Honestly, without this club she would have been bored at home climbing the walls but I know I can rest easy that she’s with you having an absolutely brilliant time.

This has meant I feel a lot less guilty about my inability to provide them with fun days out.

My three year old is always sad he can’t go, but he’s happy going to the supermarket.

I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done.

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to Apr 30

Easter Jar Fundraiser

Thank you to 12 year old Kayla who kindly sold a number of Easter Jars she had put together to help raise funds for Team Daniel. Kayla managed to raise a whopping £40.

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Team Daniel Online Quiz

On Friday 26th March, we held our first ever-online quiz. We had 32 teams that took part and raised over £533, which was fantastic.

Thank you to everyone that took part and raised such a great amount. It is very much appreciated and congratulations to our two winners The Pepper Army and Team TP. Not only did they win, but they also both donated their prizes back to Team Daniel.

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to Mar 31

March Raffles

Due to popularity, a number of raffles took place throughout March. Many thanks to Chelsea (Daniel’s sister) and Kelly (one of our volunteers) who have worked tirelessly to keep the raffles going and raise much needed funds for Team Daniel and a massive thank you to all those that kindly donated prizes.

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to Dec 25

Team Daniel Christmas Raffle

Throughout the Christmas period, we held a number of raffles to help raise funds for the charity. In total, we raised £1,597.94. A massive thank you to all those that donated prizes and for those that gave their time in making them for us.  

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Leeds 10K

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Jessica entered the Leeds 10km that was due to take place on 22nd November but like most mass participation events, it was postponed to next year. However, Jessica decided to still run but would do it on her own and document her journey virtually.

Here’s why Jessica wanted to run for Team Daniel below.

“I started running couch to 5k in lockdown and fell in love with it so set myself the goal of 10k”.

“Hearing Daniel's story really resonated with me, as someone that has always struggled with anxiety, exams were a huge trigger throughout my life. The pressure to succeed and feelings of needing to be 'good enough' is overwhelming for so many children/young people, Daniel being just one of the thousands that feels there is no way out”.

“As an adult now going into teaching myself, I never want children/young people to feel that they are defined by a piece of paper. I hope that by raising money, I can help to inspire children and young people to speak up and know that they are not alone and there is way more to life than passing your exams”.

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Halloween Children’s Competition

Halloween Children’s Competition

Our children’s Halloween competition saw prizes were awarded for the best pumpkin design, best fancy dress costume or the best design of a Halloween poster!

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TeamDaniel Quiz Night

Due to the success of the previous two quiz nights we held another successful quiz on Friday 13th March 2020. Redbridge Sports Centre kindly donated the venue for free again along with a number of raffle prizes. We raised over £600 towards TeamDaniel’s aim of opening hubs for young people to access mental health support.

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Pancake Day

Every year Team Daniel run an annual event to celebrate Pancake Day. Pancake Day was Daniel’s favourite day of the year so we ask all of our followers to send in photos of their pancakes.

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Marathon Swims

On Saturday 9th November 2019 TeamDaniel Trustee Vicki took part in TeamDaniel’s first ever swimming fundraising event at the Aquatics Centre in Stratford, East London., also known as the Olympic Pool. Participants can choose to swim either 1k, 2k, 5k or 10k.

As Vicki says, “I chose the 10k option, 6 miles, 200 lengths of the pool, at the time I signed up - I thought ‘why not it’s not that far, I have run 10k before ….’

“My training was a little bit hit and miss; however, I did some warm weather training a week before the event in the Canary Islands, the hotel swimming pool. I set myself a target of completing 6 miles in under 4hrs 30mins …Very happy to report that I was done and dusted in 4hrs 13 mins. I actually really enjoyed it and have signed up again for 2020. I raised just over £100.A massive thanks to everyone who supported me!”

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