COVID-19 Pandemic

During the lockdown in England in 2020, Team Daniel ran the following initiatives:

April 2020

 Team Daniel put social media posts out to ask children to draw pictures and write happy quotes so we could send them to Care Homes to help raise the spirits of elderly people during lockdown.

May 2020

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We held competitions (under 11s & 12-16 year olds) asking children to produce a mental health poster of what has helped their mental health during lockdown.  Thea was one of our winners making cards for family, friends and care homes to cheer them up.

February 2021

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Team Daniel worked with Shona Springer the author of the book ‘Abigail Bear – The Lockdown’ to distribute 100 copies to a number of primary schools across the UK. The book is a heart-warming story of resilience and hope in the toughest of times. Shona kindly signed each one and also offered to read the book to a number of classes via Zoom.


Children's Mental Health Week

Children's Mental Health Week took place from 1-7 February 2021. To recognise the week Team Daniel donated bags of toiletries for families spending time on PICU at Leeds General Infirmary.  The hospital has a close place in our hearts after they went above and beyond to look after Daniel who spent time at the hospital before he died.

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A massive thank you to Granite Plaques who kindly donated a lovely plaque to Team Daniel.

 Save a Space Campaign

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In October, we launched our Save A Space campaign.  During the pandemic 60% of office workers were working from home with many feeling isolated. We urged venues with free WIFI and venues that had the facilities to serve hot food and drinks to get involved by letting a lone officer worker rent a table.  We had over 50 organisations get involved in the campaign.

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