Our Team

  • Emma Oliver/Co-Founder & CEO

    Emma lost her son Daniel to suicide on 28th February 2017 after Daniel became extremely stressed with his impending GCSE exams.  Emma wanted to set up a charity in his name to help young people and their parents that are struggling to get help and create safe spaces across Leeds and London where they can feel at ease and talk about their feelings as well as bring experts in from other organisations to provide information and support.

    Daniel went on to save five lives through his organ donation which brings Emma comfort that Daniel has given five other people a second chance at life.  By setting up a charity in Daniel’s name also ensures that Daniel will continue to help and support young people in the future, so they do not have to go through what he did. If we stop one person from taking their own life, we have made a huge difference. 

  • Nicole Napier/Co-Founder & Trustee

    After completing a Sports Development degree Nicole has spent over 20 years’ working with young people in a sports environment and delivering programmes across some of the most disadvantaged areas in London and Essex including Thurrock, Newham, Redbridge, Hackney, Haringey and Islington and has seen first-hand the issues that young people face today.

    As Daniel’s aunt Nicole has felt and witnessed personally the devastation suicide can bring. As a driving force behind the charity Nicole is involved in all aspects of TeamDaniel and is passionate about using Daniel’s story to help other young people.  Nicole has recently trained as a tutor to deliver Youth Mental Health First Aid Training for people who work with, live with or support young people aged 8-18. The course teaches you the skills and confidence to spot the signs of mental health issues in a young person, offer first aid and guide them towards the support they need.

  • Chelsea Roberts/Trustee

    Chelsea is Daniel’s big sister and despite her own personal turmoil since Daniel took his own life, has been instrumental in the development of TeamDaniel. She spends the majority of her spare time helping to fundraise, undertake challenges and organising events for the charity in memory of her brother.  

    Since losing Daniel, Chelse chose to change careers and go into a profession working with young people in a children’s home. She enjoy this very much and has worked her way up through the compassion she has for these young people. Chelsea enjoys making a positive difference in young peoples lives and giving them a purpose and hope for the future. Many of these young people suffer with their mental health due to personal reasons and knowing that she can share her experiences in the hope to make them feel like they aren’t alone and that no matter what they can carry those feelings and experiences but still make positive changes in our lives.

  • Vicki Read/Trustee

    Vicki has worked in the Leisure Industry for over 25 years and has now moved into the Health and Social Care industry, where she has been working for the past 5 years managing care homes.  In both industries she has worked with many young people either from a coaching perspective or as their first manager as they start their working life. 

    She became involved with TeamDaniel due to a personal connection with the family and states that “it is a privilege and pleasure to be a founding trustee. The hope and aim of the charity is to support young people in dealing with their mental health and wellbeing, to provide a safe space for them to talk, and feel comfortable talking about how they are doing…with no judgement. I feel extremely passionate about the work TeamDaniel has already achieved and look forward to the next chapter in our story.”

  • Bailey Bradley/Trustee

    Bailey runs his own business and is deeply interested in community projects and issues which keep him very busy. He became interested in TeamDaniel and its aims and objectives very early on in its foundation, but only came to assist at the point where it’s founder, Emma Oliver, required some assistance in setting up the organisation as a registered charity.

  • Nicola Mackie/Trustee

    Nicola has worked in the Public Sector for over 30 years working with local communities in a variety of roles, including managing sports coaching programmes and holiday programmes for young people. Nicola is currently working in a Parks team delivering projects to improve outdoor spaces for local families including play and sports facilities.
    ”I became involved in the charity in 2020 through a friendship with Nicole (Daniel’s aunt). I feel privileged to be a trustee for Team Daniel and see the charity grow to achieve their aim to create safe spaces for young people to support them with their mental health and wellbeing.”

  • James Roberts/Volunteer

    James is the brother in law of Daniel and has known Daniel since he was just 9 years old.

    “I feel privileged to be part of Team Daniel, knowing what they do and why they do it. It’s an honour to be able to take part in something that is in memory of Daniel, knowing how proud he would be of his friends and family. Mental health is something close to my heart because of Daniel and a special friend of mine. I don’t want another family having to go through what this family and my friend’s family have gone through”

  • Victoria Sturgess/Volunteer

    Vicki’s son Josh was one of Daniel’s best friends and Vicki has been involved with TeamDaniel from day one. “It’s been great being involved in TeamDaniel and seeing it develop in Daniel’s memory. I have been involved since the beginning and seen first-hand the good work that TeamDaniel are doing to try to prevent another family going through what Daniel’s family have. I love what TeamDaniel stands for. I love the friendships, the training, the challenges and knowing I always have a friend no matter what.”

  • Constance Horne/Volunteer

    Constance came into contact with TeamDaniel after being introduced by another member. Constance spends her time helping knit various things for TeamDaniel to help raise vital funds “I enjoy volunteering for TeamDaniel as all the charities they support are done with a thoughtful heart and touch a lot of people including me. I enjoy the company and passes my time away knitting etc.”

  • Kelly Twohey/Volunteer

    Kelly has been a friend of Emma’s (Daniel’s mum) for over 30 years. “I am very privileged to know Emma and her family really well. From the beginning of TeamDaniel being formed I have been involved as I believe in what the charity stands for and its causes. I support and volunteer to raise funds for TeamDaniel so we are able to help someone, somewhere to understand, deal with and hopefully overcome what is happening to them.  No one should have to face mental health problems alone.”

  • Millie/Helper

    Mille found out about TeamDaniel when she attended an event they were at. She says, “I enjoy working with TeamDaniel as it gives me a sense of belonging. I am the youngest member of the team and I am going through high school.  I understand the message that TeamDaniel are trying to get across and with this knowledge I can point my friends in the right direction should they need it #itsoknottobeok #teamdaniel”

  • Harrison Smith/Volunteer

    When I was younger we never had any support groups like Team Daniel does. The tutors didn't seem to be bothered about how the students felt and sometimes speaking to family can be uncomfortable. So, I decided to volunteer to help the youth have someone they can talk to, to create a safe space they can relax and connect with people like them. Give them the space to feel seen and heard, like I never did.

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